We have worked in the ecology field for over thirty years, in Italy and abroad, and we specially deal in the antipollution for industrial environments.
We always stand out for the quality of our materials, the projecting skill, the care in the production and the availability after the installation.
The acquired experience and the constant modernization allow to have the knowledges needed to satisfy the requests and to always guarantee the reliability, the working life and the safety of the installed plants.
Suction plants and components: dusts, smokes, fumes / Painting booths / Pressurized rooms /Air purification / Storage silos / Wood mills / Briquett presses / Pellet presses / Boilers and hot air generators for solid fuel / Insonorizations
Via Ponticelli, 51
51018 Pieve a Nievole (PT) - Italy
Tel. +39 0572/950148 - Fax +39 0572/953388
e-mail: info@omaimpianti.com